Sophia Testing GmbH

Schottenfeldgasse 5/11 1070 Wien / Österreich
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Sophia Testing GmbH


Sophia is an intelligent, automated solution capable of assessing people's general or specific digital skills, in a testing environment resembling the real world situations. Therefore she delivers truly objective, accurate and highly representative reports on performance of each candidate.

Based on skill gaps discovered in assessment, Sophia is then able to conduct individually adapted trainings for those who need it. Trainings are fully automated as well - Sophia teaches efficiently using unique, practice-oriented approach: by guiding each candidate in the right direction while providing constant assistive feedback. She thus ensures the new skills will be acquired in shortest time possible and stay preserved far longer than through other methods. In this sense, Sophia behaves exactly like a human professional would.

With many additional benefits though: she never gets tired, makes no mistakes, always stays objective and works anytime, anywhere. Sophia provides the best of human and computer worlds: human-like approach combined with power of computers - that's what makes her so unique!


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